Dwell Products


Creative Director & Designer

2021 - 2024

Dwell’s curation of consumer products is meant to reflect a discernment for quality, a modern sensibility, a love of design, and at times, an irreverent sense of humor. I created a color-pairing graphic language that allows us to play with contrast and scale, avoiding repetition and visual fatigue. While the products are at the forefront, the graphic design system supporting them is integral to the branded experience.

Outdoor Entertaining

Every issue of Dwell features a 10-page product-focused article. Themes vary according to the issue, such as outdoor life, travel, kitchen and bath, and technology. It often requires a custom photoshoot, as was the case with this one, shot by Jamie Chung. For this issue we curated outdoor products according to the type of outdoor party, such as a kid’s sleepover, or a pool party.

May / Jun 2021


PhotographyJaimie Chung
Dwell Cover

Dwell Shop on Social

To promote Dwell Shop stories on social media, we create thematic carousel style Instagram stories and article one offs. This is a chance to play with color and scale to entertain and drive drive traffic to dwell.com.

Dwell Cover

Art Director

2021 - 2023
Book details

Dwell’s curation of consumer products is meant to reflect a discernment for quality, a modern sensibility, a love of design, and at times, an irreverent sense of humor. I created a color-pairing graphic language that allows us to play with contrast and scale, avoiding repetition and visual fatigue. While the products are at the forefront, the graphic design system supporting them are integral to the branded experience.

Dwell Products